Four Corners and Some Donkey KIcks

AO: Norseman

When: 2023-11-16


PAX (12): Beaker, Bottom Bunk, Cam's, DeLorean, DirtyMO, Ha-ha, Huffy, Nacho Libre, Password 123, Shortcake, TO, Untouchable


Lap around the track, SSH, Weedpickers, Imperial Walkers, Arm Circles

The Thang:

The pax divided into four groups with each group starting at a different corner of the large parking lot.  At each corner there was a list of exercises.  The group did the first exercise on the list and then moved to the next corner and performed that exercise until they completed all four corners.  Once that was done, the pax ran back to the pavilion and performed the exercise on that list.  This routine was repeated with the next exercise on each list and so on.  Below is a list of those exerices: SW Corner:
  1. 20 Overhead Press
  2. 20 Curls
  3. 20 Overhead Press
  4. 20 Curls
SE Corner:
  1. 20 Squats
  2. 20 Squat Jumps
  3. 20 Lunges (alpha)
  4. 20 Star Jumps
NE Corner:
  1. 20 Mike Tysons
  2. 10 Hand Release Mercins
  3. 20 Shoulder Taps (alpha)
  4. 10 Burpee
NW Corner:
  1. 20 American Hammers (alpha)
  2. 20 LBCs
  3. 20 Flutter Kicks (alpha)
  4. 20 V Ups
  1. 20 Donkey Kicks
  2. 20 Donkey Kicks
  3. 20 Donkey Kicks
  4. 20 Donkey Kicks


Santa Ruck December 9th.  Bring any kind of non perishable food starting now. Cam's is collecting.  Thanksgiving beatdown at 0530 by Delorean.

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