What day is it?

AO: School Of Rock

When: 2023-11-29

QIC: lumbergh

PAX (5): Deep dish, Dipstick, Don't-Call-It-A-Comeback-PitStop, Jackalope


Was ready to give School of Rock a try when I learned there was no Q at all. The inability not to step up takes over so I say I will lead but may need a bit of support.


At Academy we don't really warm up. You stretch before and then we take off. Being in these stopping grounds meant I did the same and started calling out my planned routine but had to halt and do an actual warm up with all the usual hits. Didn't want to pull anything slinging these blocks around. Also gave time for Pitstop to find us. Jackalope and Pitstop? Not just the day, but I am starting to question what year it is. Thrilled to see them out!

The Thang:

I went with a toe to top approach.
  • 20 calf raises
  • 1 minute wall sit
  • 20 Donkey Kicks
  • 20 Slow and Low LBC's. Gotta feel that crunch
  • 20 Mercans
  • 20 Curls
  • 20 Skull Crushers
  • 20 Shoulder Presses
  • 20 Rows
Repeat that group.
  • 20 Calf Raises (only so much you can do with a calf)
  • 20 Squat Jumps
  • 20 Lunges Alpha
  • 20 Freddy Mercury
  • Mucho Chesto - 10 each (There is a good reason we usually break that up around the bases)
  • 20 Curls (note to self, find bicep exercises)
  • 20 Dips
  • 20 Supermans
  • 20 Presses
Repeat that group About 5 minutes left so I seek some support from Dipstick. A trip to the lot where one pax will farmer carry while the others perform a called mary. Flutters, and Monkey Humpers, and Hammers, and Gas Pumpers.   I guess Windward watches are a minute off being so far east as Dipstick calls time but I show a minute left and I want to get my farmer carry in. Blocks are returned and now it's time.


Some lessons learned on maybe building out a board or knowing you can't waste time where we usually mosey. A promised return with a better more lumberghesque plan. Santa Ruck, Blood Drive, and Windjammer NLB Breakfast all coming up.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Always a pleasure to lead, never one to not run but digging the AO. Keep it up SoR!

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