Wideright and New Coke

AO: Halo

When: 2023-11-29

QIC: Wideright

PAX (10): Abacus (Mark Green), Drain Hole, Fenway, Fondue Guy, Jillian, New Coke, Skol, Tweaker, Wideright, Woody (Michael Tishel)


disclaimer and warm up IC - 10x bearhugs, twists, weed pickers, hillbillies, imperial walkers, squats and incline merkins mosey to circle - lunges across and head to parking lot corner

The Thang:

Wideright start with 4x Pax choosing exercises 4x corners:
  1. WWII's
  2. Burpees
  3. toy soldiers (Alpha)
  4. J-Lo's (Alpha)
New Coke takeover - mosey to the stairs, 10 reps of exercises and down and up the stairs 2x times
  1. squats
  2. merkins
  3. lunges
  4. LBC's
repeat, mosey to flag for time!


nice to see Woody back (prayers for discernment and wisdom) Fondue's FIL "doug" prostate Fenway's nephew and BIL, fighting for Israel and Peace - get home safe Nephew! Brothers traveling Drain Hole's M "Marissa" doctors finding out what's wrong, healing and love Happy Belated BDAY Forrest! Happy 60th BDAY Eve to So So Def! SYITG

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