F’It Q

AO: Jericho

When: 2023-12-01

QIC: Pinkman

PAX (5): Hushpuppy, Mantooth, Pinkman, Schneider, Todd Doherty l F3 UMass


It was the last night of November and the PAX on the Westside of F3 Cumming were eagerly awaiting a Deuce preblast. As 9 PM came and went some PAX went to sleep and others watched their fantasy football dreams slip away at the hands of 3 DK Metcalf TDs, but still no word from Deuce. It was later revealed Deuce was out of town and unable to fulfill his Q duties, so I said f’it I’ll take the Q.


Mosey to the shaft, circle up

Good mornings



Weed pickers

Willie Mayes Hayes

The Thang:

Thang 1

Mosey the long way to the coupon pile, stopping at every light post to deposit 5 Merkins. 12 posts for a total of 60 merkins

Thang 2

Grab a coupon and head to the lower lot to partner up for some Dora. As we were contemplating how far to run, Hushpuppy said F’it let’s run the whole lot, at that point I said F’it no partners lets do the whole thing.

50 Overhead presses

100 Squats w/ coupon

200 bent over rows

Thang 3

Moseyed to football field for 11s and 7 of Diamonds.

11’s -LBCs and Plank Jacks while running sideline to sideline

7 of diamonds X2 rounds- Flutter Kicks, Big Boy Sit-ups, Reverse LBCs, Dying cockroaches

Mosey back to the flag for a few minutes of Mary.


Santa Ruck and Christmas Party on 12/9. Prayers for the health and safety of our fellow PAX.

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