Site Q handoff at the ‘Stone

AO: Grindstone

When: 2023-12-01

QIC: Spit Valve

PAX (15): Crab Cake, DirtyMO, Hail Mary, Inseam, Jiminy, jugdish, Omaha, Protractor (Vadim Lantukh), Snowman, Tsunami, Vanna, Hosel, Plug, Wilson


6 pre pre runners showed up so I knew it was going to be a wonderful morning, but handing off the flag to a HIM like Jugdish made it truly special.


Music, mosey, disclaimer, SSH, Hillbillies, Moroccan night clubs and good mornings.

The Thang:

After creating an epic playlist the night before, the BD ran itself. Partner up while one partner does the specified exercise and the other commutes to a destination of the Q's choosing. AMRAP until end of song then move to the next exercise. The first half was done on the tennis courts with burpees, star jumps, bonny blairs, merkins with running, bear crawls and duck walks for transportation. After grabbing a coupon, the second half was done on the turf field with curls, big boy sit ups, rows, overhead press and leg lifts. Transportation included running and crab walk. Circle up for some Mary with T bombs, Freddy Mercuries, American Hammers and 3 burpees for good measure.


12/9 ruck and Christmas party

Naked-Man Moleskin:

I've thoroughly enjoyed my time as site Q but am excited to hand it off to Jugdish. I am confident that we will continue to grow and bring more guys into F3 thanks to his leadership. I see more block parties in our future...

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