100th Post

AO: Black Water

When: 2023-12-04

QIC: Mantooth

PAX (13): Baskins, Better Call Saul, Cha-Ching, Jiminy, Mantooth, Mr. Hand, Olaf, Schneider, Snake, Snowman, The Body, Whiz, Outer Rim


I've been keeping a log of all my posts since starting F3 on May 22nd for a Whiz BD at Black Water. While updating the log on Saturday, I noticed that my next post would be number 100 for me. So naturally, I went to see who had the Q for Black Water on Monday and to my surprise, it was vacant. So I snagged it up to come full circle with where my F3 journey all started.


PAX moseyed to the end of the parking lot for some: Weed Pickers Good Mornings SSHs Michael Phelps (on your own) During Michael Phelps, I explained to the PAX that we would be hitting up a couple things that Whiz had on the agenda for my first Beat Down.

The Thang:

We started at the first Christmas Light (light post) and performed 10 Merkins. Moseyed to the next Christmas Light and performed 10 more Merkins. Continued this until we hit the 100 mark to celebrate my 100th post. Once we finished the 100 Merkins, we moseyed to the parking garage to perform 10 reps of exercises, adding 10 each diagonal corner of the floor we went up. First floor = 10 Squats Second Floor Corner = 10 Squats and 10 American Hammers (Alpha) Second Floor Bottom of Ramp = 10 Squats, 10 American Hammers, and 10 Star Jumps Continued until reaching the top with 10 Squats, 10 American Hammers, 10 Star Jumps, 10 Flutter Kicks (Alpha), 10 Plank Jacks, 10 Reverse Lunges, 10 Mountain Climbers (Alpha), and 10 Burpees. Once we finished, we went down the stairs and partnered up next to the rock wall. Partner performed 5 Inclined Merkins with feet on the wall, while other held plank. We performed this for four rounds and then moseyed back to the flag. We had just enough time to stop by Crooked Culture's small wall to do 20 dips before time was called.


Santa Ruck at Tower and White Elephant Christmas Party at Baskins House on Saturday. F3 Bible Study at Baskins House tomorrow night at 8 (studying James). Kokomo's VQ on Wednesday at Big Creek! 3 years sober! Congrats! Prayers for Snowman as he travels for business and temptations aren't too much. Stay strong brother!

Naked-Man Moleskin:

During the parking deck portion of the beatdown, we had a PAX splash merlot over the side of the deck. This made me proud (in a sense) to know that the beatdown was working and the Cumming HIM were getting their money's worth. In all seriousness, it's always a pleasure to lead and I'm so grateful that I have been able to join F3. 100 down, countless more to go!

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