4 corners about the Benjamins

AO: Grindstone

When: 2023-12-04

QIC: jugdish

PAX (6): Durty Nelly, Hail Mary, Protractor (Vadim Lantukh), Spit Valve, Swiper


No one looks forward to Mondays.  But the 'Stone doesn't care


Mosey to the top of the big lot for some weed pickers, SSH, Imperial Walkers, and probably something else.

The Thang:

4 corners meets all about the benjamins in the bottom of the big lot
  • For 5 rounds:
  • Corner 1: 20 Burpees
  • high knees, butt kickers
  • Corner 2: 20 BBS
  • Left Karaoke
  • Corner 3: 20 Jump Squats
  • Run 70-80%
  • Corner 4: 20 Heels to Heaven
  • Right karaoke back to corner 1
On round 3-5, we cut the burpees down to 10 Run back to the clock with a minute to spare, so the PAX tried to catch up on their burpees as the clock ran out.    


Santa Ruck and Christmas Party.  Ask Snowman for details.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

There was a noted lack of mumblechatter ITG. YHC's heart rate hit 200. Coincidence?

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