3 – ELEVENS (maybe one should have been 7s)

AO: Norseman

When: 2023-12-07

QIC: Knight Rider

PAX (13): Beaker, Cam's, DeLorean, DirtyMO, Fresh Prince, Ha-ha, Matlock, Nacho Libre, Password 123, Shortcake, Speedo, Zohan


YHC Arrived early at the AO to set up cones, lighting, sandbags, tunes, and printed instructions in and around the North Park “north” roundabout area. With a simple “Homer Simpson in a 311 T-shirt” pre-blast, it was in the cards to be a 311 kind of morning. 3 different “ELEVENS” stations were set up and a full playlist of 311 songs was queued up. 0530 was called with a not-so-quick intro and disclaimer. We then moseyed to the “north” roundabout and formed up around the circular median/island for Warm-O-Rama.


YHC led the PAX in-cadence through: SSH’s – 20 Weed Pickers – 11 Hillbillies – 10 Merkins – 10 Arm Circles - OYO

The Thang:

Overall workout flow / instructions, exercise demos, and safety guidance was given by YHC. The goal was to complete all 3 of the ELEVENS stations with a roughly 150 meter run in between each station rotation. PAX were split up into 3 groups, the music was started (with a short technical delay), and the PAX were off. ELEVENS #1:  Half of 21s This was a modified “double 11s”. Started at the 1 and 20 rep count and continued to 10 and 11 instead of all the way down to 20 and 1. DECLINE MERKINS  (perform on the high curbs downstairs..then run up the stairs for dips) DIPS  (perform on the stone benches upstairs..then run down the stairs for decline merkins) -------------------------------------- 1 – (D)ERKIN AND 20 – DIPS 2 – (D)ERKINS AND 19 – DIPS… UNTIL… 10 – (D)ERKINS AND 11 - DIPS -------------------------- RUN 1 LAP (THEN ROTATE TO 11s STATION #2) ELEVENS #2:  Don’t Drop the Sandbag This was a standard 11.  Performed across the width of the grass field with sandbags. At the start cone….”LOADED” SQUATS w/ sandbag THEN shoulder carry the sandbag to the far cone At the far cone….REVERSE LUNGES w/ sandbag (ALPHA count) -------------------------------------- 1 – LOADED SQUAT (shoulder carry to far cone) AND 10 – REVERSE LUNGES …shoulder carry sandbag back to the starting cone… 2 – LOADED SQUATS (shoulder carry to far cone) AND 9 – REVERSE LUNGES …shoulder carry sandbag back to the starting cone… …UNTIL… 10 – LOADED SQUATS AND 1 – REVERSE LUNGE (ALPHA) -------------------------- RUN 1 LAP (THEN ROTATE TO 11s STATION #3) ELEVENS #3:  11s on the Hill/Runway This was another standard 11.  Performed at the top and bottom of the trail hill. V-UPS  (perform at bottom of the hill..then run up the hill for big boy situps) BIG BOY SITUPS (BBSUs)  (perform at top of the hill..then run down the hill for v-ups) -------------------------------------- 1 – V-UP AND 10 – BBSUs 2 – V-UPs AND 9 – BBSUs … UNTIL… 10 - V-UPs AND 1 – BBSU -------------------------- RUN 1 LAP (THEN ROTATE TO 11s STATION #1) As 0612 came and went, the call was made to circle up. Fresh Prince led the PAX through a few V-Ups while we waited for the 6 to come in and YHC to grab his phone. We then moseyed quickly back as a group to the flag arriving a minute or two after 0615. The PAX all worked hard and YHC appreciates everyone making it out in the sub-32 degree weather.


Announcements: SANTA RUCK is this SATURDAY 12/9, starting at 0730.  All information is available on Slack. Good to see TO out in the Gloom for the COT, but unfortunately on the DL. Appreciate your SANTA RUCK contributions. Prayers: Thanks were given for the opportunity to come out in Fitness and Fellowship. Prayers to keep our minds open with generous hearts as we enter this season of Joy. Prayers for our AO PAX traveling overseas for a safe return and productive work/missions in Africa and Australia. Prayers for Speedo’s father for health and patience with our nation’s traffic courts.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Always an honor to Q and I really appreciate all the great feedback + advice. This Q was a bit different for me…not a lot of “practice” or “planning” time ended up being allocated to this one and a lot up was left up to the Gloom. YHC continues to develop his flexibility in these areas. I try to continue to focus on not making the Q/BD about me or my “grand” plan, but the PAX. Always great to see everyone working hard and staying safe!!. Hope to see everyone out at the F3 Alpha Santa Ruck on Saturday.

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