Name That Tune – One Hit Wonders

AO: Rubicon

When: 2023-12-07

QIC: Special K

PAX (15): Avis, Caffey, Cookie, Devito, Groundhog, Irene, Isner, Lefty, Lil Hurt, lumbergh, MillerTime, No-See-Um, Pinkey, Shazam


15 PAX joined me for one last round of Name That Tune before the New Year.  This time the playlist was all about One-Hit Wonders.  Certain PAX jockeyed to try be on the same team as Shazam, but we were able to avoid any cheating.


Short mosey to the pool parking lot for:
  • SSH
  • Imperial Walkers
  • Weedpickers
  • Arm Circles/Michael Phelps
All PAX then picked a coupon for the beatdown.  

The Thang:

I had a playlist of 11 (plus a few bonus tracks) One-Hit Wonders . While the each song played all PAX did the following exercise for the duration of the song:  
  1. Thrusters
  2. American Hammers
  3. Curls
  4. Big Boys
  5. Overhead Presses
  6. LBCs
  7. Skull Crushers
  8. Merkins
  9. Bent Over Rows
  10. V Ups
  11. Upright Row
Once the exercises were established – the Name That Tune competition started. We split into two teams.  For each song the teams had a chance to name the Artist and Song. For each correct answer the losing team had to do 5 burpees. While the losing team did their 5-10 burpees the other team did a short lap in the parking lot.  When teams were finished with either the lap or burpees, they went back to the assigned exercise until the end of the song. A few of the songs were long so we did a few bonus songs, where the winning team could assign exercises after the burpees. Overall, it was pretty evenly matched (Shazam didn't get every song). YHC was having so much fun that I guess I paused the timer on my watch, and was ready to go for more rounds when I was alerted to the fact that it was time for COT.  Don't worry, we'll have another round sometime in future.  


  • Santa Ruck this Saturday
  • December Blood Drive

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Always an honor and privilege to lead.  Thank you all for putting up with me and for trying to have a little fun. Today's Playlist:
  1. Got You (Where I Want You) - The Flys
  2. Breakfast At Tiffany's - Deep Blue Something
  3. Tarzan Boy - Baltimora
  4. Rump Shaker - Wreckx-n-Effect
  5. Let's Go All The Way - Sly Fox
  6. Kung Fu Fighting - Carl Douglas (Especially for Pinkey)
  7. Sister - The Nixons
  8. Rico Suave - Gerardo
  9. Toy Soldiers - Marktika
  10. Thong Song - Sisqo
  11. Cantaloop (Flip Fantasia) - Us3
  1. 12. Flagpole Sitter - Harvey Danger
  2. Counting Blue Cars - Dishwalla
  3. Flood - Jars Of Clay

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