To the Boneyard & Back!

AO: Stadion

When: 2023-12-15


PAX (5): Fieri, Macbeth, Stroller, TheBigShort


A rather cold morning. Not much chitchat before we took off.


Just run son.

The Thang:

PAX ran from East Roswell Park to the Boneyard. At the turn we thought we lost Stroller but he was found safe and sound.
  • Distance: 6.57 miles
  • Pace: approx. 9:13/mi
  • Elevation Gain: approx. 380ft


  • Stroller - healing for his back / back pain

Naked-Man Moleskin:

What a morning! Though there were MANY thoughts of "I don't wanna" and dozens of valid excuses, this group made it out. I'm so thankful for each of you. Let us not forget in this Christmas season to not miss the joy that arrived in the manager; the restorer of all: Emmanuel

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