ROCK’N the Stone

AO: Grindstone

When: 2023-12-18

QIC: DirtyMO

PAX (7): Crab Cake, Durty Nelly, jugdish, Omaha, Snowman, Hosel


Moseyed our way towards the tennis courts for some SSH, Good Mornings, Weed Pickers, Hill Billies.

The Thang:

Set 1 Under the pavilion we grabbed some bench and did 2 rounds of:
  • 10 Dips IC
  • 20 Step Ups
  • 20 LBC's IC
  • 10 Derkins IC
Set 2 We moseyed over to the field for a 100 yds of fun.  We did 7's (like 11's but only going to 7) consisting of Mike Tysons and Jump Squats.  At the goalline, perform Mike Tyson then run to the 20 and do a burpee, flip to a Bernie Sanders to the 50 and do a burpee, flip to a run to the 20 and do a burpee, flip to a Bernie Sanders to the goal line and perform Jump Squat.  Rinse and repeat till 7's are complete. Set 3 We grabbed a coupon and circled up to rock the arms.  Curls for the Girls, Overhead Press, and Skull Crushers Then...finished with a little Mary at the flag till time (American Hammers & Dying Cockroach)


Prayers to DurtyNelly's friend (and their family) who is going thru a divorce right now. Prayers to all those students in the midst of mid-terms and finishing the first half of the school year strong. And we lift up all those prayers that went unsaid but are on our hearts!

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Always an honor to lead and thank you for the opportunity!

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