Around the World BD

AO: Gladiator

When: 2023-12-19

QIC: Brownie

PAX (13): Butterknife, Cheneral, Darkside, defcon2, DREAMER, Judy, Macbeth, Mater, Scratch-Off, Slider, WhiteWater, Yokel


The Q had recently learned that the 7 major world religions celebrate 29 different holidays from November 1 - January 15. With this inspiration in mind, I set out to create a workout centered around the 3rd F (Faith). The Q arrived a little early with supplies in tow after passing our pre-runners on the way to the parking lot. Slowly but surely more PAX showed up despite the chilly temps. I gave a quick overview of our BD theme and off we went.


After moseying to the pitch with the block wall, we began warmup at the center circle. We knocked out the following before starting the real work:
  • 15 SSHs
  • Around the Worlds OYO (new one for the PAX, but they seemed to like this one)
  • 10 Tappy Taps (aka Weedpickers); the IL AO I worked out with a few weeks ago while traveling on business calls them these
  • World's greatest stretch OYO
  • 15 Mtn Climbers
  • Covids/Phelps OYO

The Thang:

PAX was advised we'd be doing 7 rounds of exercises with 29 reps of each to represent the theme for the workout. Between each set, PAX was instructed to run to other side of the field and do the 2nd exercise of the round. Repeat for 2 rounds. They were as follows:
  1. Round 1 - Hannukah "Festival of Lights" (Jewish)
    1. HR merkins
    2. Hairy Rockettes (alpha)
  2.  Round 2 - Christmas (Christian)
    1. Jump squats
    2. Carolina Dry Docks
  3. Diwali (Hindu)
    1. Dips
    2. Donkey kicks
  4. Martyrdom of Guru Nanak Ji (Sikh) - Sikh faith founder
    1. Sphinx merkins
    2. Mtn climbers (alpha)
  5. Bodhi Day (Buddhist) - Buddha's enlightenment
    1. Big boys
    2. Bonnie Blairs (alpha)
  6. Feast of Immaculate Conception (Catholic) - despite Scratch-off's suggestion, there were NO pickle pounders performed
    1. Flutter kicks (alpha)
    2. Chicken peckers
  7. World Religion Day (Baha'i) - celebration of common themes across religions
PAX relocated to concession stand for this one
    1. Barishnakov squats
    2. Wall Conveyor - balls to wall and then each member of the PAX moves to the end of the wall and resumes BTW until all have moved from back to front


Encouragement to fill the Q sheet through the end of Q1 - look for an opportunity to sign up for a turn

Naked-Man Moleskin:

I appreciate the opportunity to lead and put the group through a good workout. I also appreciate Raspberry Pi swapping Q assignments with me after my wife's surgery fell through. Most importantly, as Speedo says, F3 is not about a single, specific faith, but rather a belief in something bigger than yourself. So, in honor of World Religion Day, find what that means to you. Happy Holidays to this group of guys.

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