Full Santa body Beatdown
AO: Academy
When: 12/19/2023
QIC: Caffey
PAX (5): Devito, lumbergh, MillerTime, Turbine
I saw the call for an Academy Q and decided a full body BD was in order and I wanted to use some of the key components of the area that make Academy such a great AO.
A top notch amazing and iron clad disclaimer was given and all PAX, especially Lumbergh, complimented me on how amazing it was. Thorough and to the point, an amazing feat indeed. Essentially a work of art and I’ll bill F3 for the legal work I put into crafting such an amazing disclaimer.
This is the Academy, our warmup is the BD.
The Thang:
Thang 1
Start with a stadium to make sure we are warm: up and down each set of stairs. Start with standard up, next one skip a step up, next toe tap leading with left, and final toe tap leading with right. Repeat. Thang 2
To the parking garage: 20 Mercans at each corner doing the different versions:
regular: 20
Wide: 20
Diamond: 20
Ranger: 20
Hand release: 20
Left leading: 20 Right leading: 20
Thang 3
Going down parking deck it is legs Bonnie blare: 20 alpha Sumo squat: 20
Jump squats: 20
Mike Tyson: 20
– Side squat: 20 each side
Mountain climbers: 20 alpha Wall sit: 1 minute
Thang 4
Run to the green: partner up for bear crawl Dora (abs style). A random runner was asked to join us and although we thought he may join he declined. One partner bear crawling and other doing core exercises. After two rounds we switched to lunge walk for 2 rounds and then side squat for 2 rounds. – 150 6inches to 90 degrees
200 Freddie Mercury
– 250 flutters
Thang 5
Back to Academy and the find the Cinders. One partner runs to the dead groundhog while other lifts and then switch. no counting needed. The stadium was a nice blocker of the wind
Overhead press
Skull crushers
Bent over rows
Thang 6
Overhead carry the cinder down to the track. 5 burpees and then overhead carry across the football field. 5 more burpees on the other side and then overhead carry back across the field. Choice of 5 burpees or 10 Bobby Hurley to end.
Cinders back under the stadium and then 10 fire hydrants on each side to end it. 1 hour done, we stayed warm, and we got in a full body workout. We even got in some glute work to finish which Turbine is apparently lacking.
Prayers for Mayhem and Stroller both recovering
Naked-Man Moleskin:
Always a pleasure and I hope I lived up to the Academy standards! Caffey out!