I gave thee 12 days of Christmas

AO: Gladiator

When: 2023-12-21

QIC: RaspberryPi

PAX (12): Chanel, Cheneral, Dark Side, DREAMER, Macbeth, Mater, Scratch-Off, Slider, Speedo, Tebow, Brownie


Little jog around starting parking lot with high knees butt kickers and side to sides.   Circled up at the flags and proceeded with: 12x SSH 10x Copperhead squats 8x Weed Pickers Worlds Greatest Stretch

The Thang:

12 Days of Christmas stack: 1st day: Half lap around soccer pitch 2nd day: 2x Absolutions 3rd day: 3x American Hammers 4th day: 4x Diamond Merkins 5th day: 5x Bonnie Blairs 6th day: 6x Pickle Pounders 7th day: 7x Burpees 8th day: 8x Mountain Climbers 9th day: 9x Monkey Humpers 10day: 10x Merkins 11th day: 11x Jump Squats 12th day: 12x BBSU   Finished up with 7's on the car park hill Mike Tysons at the bottom & LBC's at the top


QSBBC Everyone travelling for the holidays. Raspberry Pi's vocals to improve for next year Brownie's wife

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Always a pleasure leading these group of men. Thank you & happy holidays

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