A Christmas BD

AO: Grindstone

When: 2023-12-25

QIC: jugdish

PAX (2): Snowman


AO was supposed to be closed but brothers show up for each other. YHC was met by Snowman for a rainy Prerun and beatdown.


Run around the park for extended mumblechatter plus allowing time in case some else posted. Take shelter in the pavilion for the disclaimer, good mornings, weed pickers, WMH

The Thang:

Reintroduced Snowman to EMOMs! Every Minute On the Minute Part1 for 9 minutes
  • min1: 20 dips
  • min2: 20 murcans
  • min3: 20 stepups
repeat 2 more times Part2 for 9 minutes
  • min1: 20 LBC
  • min2: 20 jump squats
  • min3: 20 big boy sit-ups
repeat 2 more times Part3 for 6 minutes: putting it all together
  • min1: 20 dips
  • min2: 20 murcans
  • min3: 20 stepups
  • min4: 20 LBC
  • min5: 20 jump squats
  • min6: 20 big boy sit-ups


Prayers for Snowman’s MIL as she ages and for his gym buddy Scott and his recent diagnosis.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Thank you Snowman. Humbled and blessed. Merry Christmas.

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