It will be fun

AO: Windjammer

When: 2023-12-22

QIC: Cookie

PAX (18): Avis, Caroline, Cookie, Devito, Dipstick, Ha-ha, Jackalope/Bayside, Knozit, lumbergh, Milli Vanilli, Nair, NRA, Stu, Townie, uga, Walkie Talkie, Goldberg, Snoop


Mayflower was originally on Q but YHC approached him on Thursday and asked if he could take the Q as he had an FNG coming and wanted to be sure to properly introduce the FNG to the Windjammer assets. Mayflower gladly relinquished but for some reason did not show up. At the Thursday night Rubicon 2nd F event, YHC also convinced Devito to come and bring spiked eggnog as well as a few others telling them "it would be fun". Walkie Talkie also brought an FNG, so as our delayed holiday start of 6:30AM approached, lots of cars filled the parking lot. Quick disclaimer and off into the gloom we went.


Head to the dam for a usual warmup routine of SSH, Smurfjacks, Weedpicker and more.  

The Thang:

Now that we were warm, we gathered by the boat launch entrance for YHC to give instructions on what was next. First up was a crowd pleasing Merkin Mile up the hill to Clubhouse. 10 merkins at each cross street on the way up, 10 squats on the way down. Now that we were back, we crossed the street to the sports park for some partner coupon work. Partner A stayed to do curls AMRAP while Parnter B ran the track lap. Round 2 was overhead press. Time running short, YHC showed the new PAX the proper way to head back toward the flag, which was up the Dam hill. This time we did it twice, once forward and once backward. At the top, we did some Mary for a quick breather, then proceeded to do Burpee Broadjumps across the entire dam. A few minutes left, we headed back to the flag for 2 minutes of Mary.


TCLAPS to the 2 FNG's who were upfront leading the way for most of the beatdown. Welcome Jake, aka Snoop, and welcome James, aka Goldberg. Also welcome downranger Knozit. Upcoming blood drive later in the day. Prayers were spoken for PAX traveling and for everyone to have a Merry Christmas with family. Lots of events coming up the weekend of New Year's. Great parking lot coffeeteria commenced with spiked eggnog, Baileys and good conversation.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

TCLAPS to Stu and Milli Vanilli for accidentally showing up at 5:30AM and getting a nice pre-ruck in.

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