Twofer – 5:30 Crew

AO: The Hooch

When: 2023-12-27

QIC: Feathers

PAX (12): Angus, Boomer, Mater, McCracken, Saint2O, Scrooge, Spackle, Sunshine, Tater tot, Tenderfoot, Zazu


YHC was on the docket for a late start, Christmas week Q.  A certain traveling PAX was hoping for a BD before braving the TSA line, so I reasoned a twofer was called for.  


Warm up at the flag - SSH, Weed Pickers, Copperhead Squats, Moroccan Nightclubs.  Mosey to the weird bakery, pause for 10 merkins OYO.  Mosey to Church parking lot, 10 merkins OYO, proceed to Chapel path.

The Thang:

YHC was disappointed to find that the Perimeter lights were out, as he was hoping for a lovely, illuminated BD.  No bother, we are used to the gloom. Top of hill designated at high point of path.  Bottom established at outdoor chapel. 2 x 4s: Perform 2 reps of 1st exercise at bottom of path, 4 reps of second at top, with a brisk mosey between. Increase by multiples of 2 and 4, respectively, until reaching 10 and 20. Round 1: Diamond David Lee Roth Burpees (diamond merkin at bottom, star 'jump' at top); Plank Jacks Round 2: No Surrenders; Big Boys. 10 count, then 1 lap around pond, stopping at five stations along the way to perform 10 reps of one component of mucho chesto (merkin, wide merkin, diamond merkin, staggered right, staggered left), then bernie sanders to top of hill. Indian run back to flag for a couple of min of mary.


2nd F thursday.  Travel mercies requested.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

With 45 min to relax (and stiffen up), the PAX hit Starbucks for a mid-cycle coffeteria.

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