Pumba BeatDown

AO: Big Creek

When: 2023-12-27

QIC: Pumba

PAX (6): Baskins, Mantooth, Olaf, Pumba, Schneider, Swiper


3 PreRunners ran and returned to the flag awaiting Pumba’s BeatDown


We moseyed down to the skate park and circled up for som SSTs, Hillbillies, WeedPickers, and some Toy Soldiers.

The Thang:

We partnered up and had four exercise (two arms and two legs focused). Partner one ran down the path to the greenway while partner two performed the exercise. They switched when partner returned and continued exercise for the length of the song on Pumba’s BoomBox. When the song changed, the exercise changed. The exercises were as followed: Step Ups Merkins (10 reg. 10 Incline, 10 decline) Squat Jumps Dips   Afterwards we moseyed to the track and ran some sprints with burpees. Once we sprinted we had 3 burpees, unless Pumba finished first then everyone had to do 10. Luckily, Mantooth was present to keep Pumba’s fast ass at bay and only allow fellow PAX to perform 3 burpees. Once we finished multiple sprints at the track, we moseyed back up to the flag and did some Freddie Mercurys.


Prayers for Swipers daughter and announcement about New Years Eve run. Snowman made a COT appearance and most went to coffeteria afterwards.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Appreciate Pumba traveling north to Big Creek to lead us! Looking forward to his return.

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