AMRAP and Conspiracy Theories

AO: Jericho

When: 2024-01-05

QIC: Pinkman

PAX (8): Baskins, Mr. Hand, Pinkman, Samsonite, Schneider, Todd Doherty l F3 UMass, Tsunami, Whiz


First Q of the new year for YHC. A challenge was issued to the PAX on the Westside to continue HTFU, and they answered the call. I had a beat down planned, but I was not expecting to be enlightened with such deep and controversial mumblechatter.


Mosey to the baseball pavilion. After a short disclaimer we jumped in.
Weed Pickers
Moroccan Night Clubs
On we go to the “Shaft” with a quick stop at the coupon pile.

The Thang:

Upon arriving at the “Shaft” PAX were greeted with a Board outlining our plan for the morning.
9 Exercises, 12 reps of each, AMRAP, with a lap around the building in between each round.
Exercises were as follows to ensure a total body workout.
Jump Squats
Shoulder Press w/coupon
Bulgarian Ball Busters (Alpha count)
Curls w/ coupon
Split Squats (Alpha)
E2Ks (alpha)
Bend Over Rows w/ coupon
Somewhere during the beatdown the mumblechatter took an entertaining hard turn and one PAX enlightened us on his research of the Moon landing, from there we continued to spiral. Debating whether or not the Earth was flat, one PAX assured us it’s flat because TikTok said so. Are Birds real? We dove into the Clintons which naturally evolved into a discussion about Jeffery Epstein. All in all, it was a fantastic morning in the Gloom. Baskins has offered to host the next conspiracy theory meeting at his house please contact him directly for more info.


Site Q transition this Saturday at The Storm. Hillseeker registration is open.
Prayers for Swipers daughter and continued prayers for Napalm on his deployment.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Every so often we have one of those mornings where fitness and fellowship come together completely unplanned and organically. Today was one of those days and the results are a BD for the books.

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