Tabata (or we aren’t running much in case someone had too much to drink on NYE)

AO: Badapple

When: 2024-01-01

QIC: Ollie

PAX (6): buckshot, Ollie, Rusty, Sprocket, Tank, The Real Woody


Was originally going to make this more of a running workout, but remember it was New Year's Day and didn't know how the PAX were going to be feeling.  Tabata it is.


  • Arm Circles / Michael Phelps
  • 10x Weed Pickers
  • 10x Copperhead Squats
  • 10x Wind Mills

The Thang:

Four rounds of the following 10 exercises, 50 seconds on, 10 seconds of rest / transition:
  1. Jog a lap of the parking lot, followed by air chair.
  2. Step Ups on the bleachers
  3. Dip on the bleachers
  4. Squats
  5. LBCs
  6. SSHs
  7. Freddie Mercurys
  8. Lunges
  9. V Ups
  10. Derkins on the bleachers


Prayers for Rusty's MIL.

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