A Worthwhile Schlep

AO: Starting Line

When: 2024-01-06

QIC: Zohan

PAX (6): Jolt, Script Kiddie, Seaman, Sirmixalot, Sugar, Zohan


I've been meaning to visit again our northern brothers at Dawsonville but for a long time it just didn't happen. 2-3 weeks ago Sirmixalot reached out asking to have a conversation about regional growth and I promised I'll come over after the new year. Well, today is after. It promised to be a rainy day, so I knew just what to do. I showed up early enough to set up a board of pain and waited for the pre-ruckers to show up.


Disclaimer was given and we started to mosey. It looked like we lost half of the group within 2 minutes, so we circled back to bring everyone together and did some side shuffles, ass kickers and high knees. Circled up for SSH, Squats, Weed Pickers, Moroccan Night Clubs and Imperial Walkers.

The Thang:

A Board of pain was waiting under the pavilion, along with a couple cinder blocks. We partnered up for a Dora. The count of each exercise is 100. One PAX works out and the other runs. On the runs we alternated between running up the flight of stairs (and down, of course) and a short loop. The board had no burpees and I knew some guys, YHC included, are doing MABA. Not to worry - once the music is on, if the song says Rain/Rains/Raining then the PAX working out stop for a burpee. The exercises included (not in this order): Merkins, SSH, LBCs, Squats, Flutter Kicks, Dips, American Hammers, Derkins, Bonnie Blairs (single count), Curls, Shoulder Press, Gus Pumpers and Monkey Humpers. We had enough time to start a second round - pick your poison from the list.
The song list was on shuffle and included: Only hapy when it rains, November rain, Purple Rain, No Rain, Have you ever seen the rain, Set fitre to the rain, Africa, It's raining men, Here comes the rain again and Raining Men. My son (F3 Milhouse) asked to add It's raining tacos to the list and I did, but the shuffle had it at the end and we just run out of time.
It was very hard to count the exact number of Burpees we did, but we agreed it was about 50, which left some homework for those doing MABA.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

A very good discussion in the COT and over coffee, that span regional growth, FNG retention, diet, mindset, doing hard things, consistency and more. This is an awesome group of guys and I encourage everyone to make the drive up there and try it out. As the terminator said - I'll be back!

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