5 year kidneyversary
AO: Gladiator
When: 2024-01-09
QIC: Brownie
PAX (8): Bo Knows, Butterknife, DREAMER, Macbeth, Sockey, Speedo, Zohan
Today is the 5 year anniversary of my donation of "lefty" (the kidney on my left side to my friend and neighbor). Each year I snag this queue as a way to get the word out about living donation and the great need that exists for those types of donors. Each aspect of the workout is tied to some meaningful number relating to organ donation and I try to sprinkle in some knowledge amongst the beatdown exercises. The weather this AM was less than stellar...raining buckets and relatively windy, but fairly mild temps. Some lightning and thunder so QIC modified the plan a bit to keep the pax under shelter for the vast majority of the workout. Even number turnout, including an FNG, which worked perfectly with what would come next.Warm-O-Rama:
Mosey to the pavilion near the tennis courts and announced the theme of the workout. 15 SSHs 15 copperhead squats 15 mountain climbers 15 windmills Phelps and monkey arms OYOThe Thang:
The main number was 106 as in 106K people on the active donor list in need of some type of organ transplant; 92K of which are in need of a kidney. Pax was asked to pair up and one person would do 25 of the exercise before flip flopping with their partner. Meanwhile their partner would be doing some other (typically) static exercise like an air chair, plank, etc until it was their turn. Alternate 4 times before knocking out the final 6 together.- Catalina wine mixers
- Dips
- V-ups
- Mountain climbers
- Step ups (alpha)
- Donkey kicks
FNG welcomed and named "Sockey" for his past participation in soccer-hockey; sounds made up, but so are the names Praise for Dreamer's new arrival and everyone's health and family adjustments Prayers for those on the donation waiting list as well as their families Gladiator hosting/leading NLB workout on Saturday - see slack for more detailsNaked-Man Moleskin:
I always appreciate the opportunity to lead, but days like this are the most meaningful. Just a few more stats to drop on you before signing off:- 3 types of donations - direct, non-direct, and paired; lots of opportunity to help someone out; if you're not open to living donation, at least consider being an organ donor on your license
- 40% of donations are via living donor
- Average wait time on the transplant list = 8 - 10 yrs
- Living donor transplanted organs last 15 - 20 yrs on average, 10 - 15 from deceased donors