Noah’s Ark

AO: Windjammer

When: 2024-01-10


PAX (8): Caroline, False Start, Funyun, mike c (Brutus ), Milli Vanilli, Sparkie, uga


Crazy rains and flooding yesterday, with an AO located next to a lake, seemed like a good time to draw inspiration from Noah (at least for the beginning of the beatdown). Luckily, the waters had receded and we didn't have to wait 40 days or nights.


Moseyed to the dam for SSHs, weedpickers, copperhead squats, arm circles and Covids...then off to the boat (ark) launch.

The Thang:

Four corners of the world (or parking lot)...sixteen reps of each exercise at each corner, in honor of 2.0's 16th birthday. First round - crunchy frogs Second - monkey humpers Third - cockroaches (Bear crawl short length, run longer ones) Off to sports park pavilion for some tabata work: Derkins Dips LBCs Step-Ups...all with a little run/Bernie between sets Back to flag for a couple of minutes of Mary


Prayers for the family of Anita (Funyun's former colleague) who recently passed away from cancer Reminder, School of Rock on Wednesdays for 0.0 workout Prayers for UM fans who may not see another championship for 50 more years Thanks to Caroline for the hot beverages

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Appreciate the camaraderie in the gloom...not always easy to get up, but definitely worthwhile

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