Mayor Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band

AO: Norseman

When: 2024-01-11

QIC: Knight Rider

PAX (21): Bottom Bunk, Buckshot, Cam's, Chapter 11, Crikey, DeLorean, DirtyMO, FICO, Fresh Prince, Ha-ha, Huffy, Matlock, Nacho Libre, Orvis, Password 123, Pepper, Shortcake, TO, Tumbleweed, Untouchable


YHC Arrived early at the AO to set up cones, lighting, sandbags, tunes, a pull-up bar, and printed instructions on Turf Field 2. The plan was to honor our Site Q, Pepper on what would be Site Q appreciation day...his last official day as Site Q. YHC was honored to see what we could do to show our appreciation for all his work over the last 12 months. 0530 was called with a quick intro, disclaimer, and welcome for a double-respect FNG. We moseyed to Turf Field 2 for Warm-O-Rama.


YHC led the PAX in-cadence through an abbreviated Warm-o-Rama of: SSH’s – 20 Hillbillies – 15 …then it was time for “pepper” ball with Pepper. 4 light up pickle balls (in various colors) and a plastic bat where used to conduct a pepper baseball session with our site Q as batter. The PAX served as the fielders and backstop catchers. For 2-3 minutes the PAX got to test Pepper’s baseball skills, field the returning balls, and sling some heat at our current site Q. It was a quick session accompanied by a Beatles classic.  I think fun was had by all and we’ll try to cycle in more batters next time.

The Thang:

Overall workout flow / instructions, exercise demonstrations, and safety guidance was given by YHC. THANG #1: The goal was to complete 2 full rounds of 3 different exercise stations with a roughly 220 meter run (comprised of 3 x  80 yard laps) after each station rotation. Each exercise station would last 2 minutes and there was a 2 minute time cap on each run. PAX were split up into 3 groups, the music/timer was started and the PAX were off. STATION #1: ROUND 1 and ROUND 2 ----------------------------------------- 3 PULLUPS (BURPEES PERFORMED WHILE IN LINE – NEXT MAN UP STYLE) ----------------------------------------- (THEN) RUN 3 LAPS – rotate to the next station (wait for the 6 in low plank) STATION #2: **ROUND 1** ----------------------------------------- SQUATS w/ SANDBAG ----------------------------------------- (THEN) RUN 3 LAPS – rotate to the next station (wait for the 6 in low plank) **ROUND 2** ----------------------------------------- STEP UPS w/ SANDBAG ----------------------------------------- (THEN) RUN 3 LAPS – rotate to the next station (wait for the 6 in low plank) STATION #3: **ROUND 1** ----------------------------------------- MERKINS ----------------------------------------- (THEN) RUN 3 LAPS – rotate to the next station (wait for the 6 in low plank)   **ROUND 2** ----------------------------------------- BIG BOY SIT UPS ----------------------------------------- (THEN) RUN 3 LAPS – rotate to the next station (wait for the 6 in low plank)   After the 6th run…the PAX transitioned immediately to THANG #2: THANG #2: 3 MINUTE DRILL The PAX were again split up into 3 groups across 3 different exercise stations. This time, each exercise station would last for 1 minute with 20 seconds to rest/rotate to the next station in between: 3 MINUTE DRILL ---------------------------------------- Exercise #1: 1 minute of BURPEES (then rotate) ---------------------------------------- Exercise #2: 1 minute of sandbag THRUSTERS (then rotate) ---------------------------------------- Exercise #3: 1 minute of HILLBILLY SQUATS (then rotate) At the close of 3 minutes and 40 seconds, time on the field was called. The PAX graciously helped YHC drop off cones, sandbags, etc up near the Knight Rider mobile then we quickly moseyed back to the flag. There was just enough time for 30-45 seconds of flutters kicks before 0615.


Welcome FNG Tumbleweed (RESPECT, RESPECT) Announcements: Take advantage of your SATURDAY AOs: Black Widow, Nirvana, and Trailblazer A peaceful transition of power was successfully conducted. Thanks Pepper for all your work and efforts in 2023. YHC is honored. Pepper received the "BeTheBacon" American Flag patch and the Champion Crop Duster patch in recognition of his tenure. Prayers: Thanks were given for the opportunity to come together in Fitness and in Fellowship. Prayers for help to remember to be still and trust in God as our lives get busier coming out of the Holidays…especially if/when that sense of overwhelm creeps in. Prayers to remember that God is with us and not against us…that God will see us through our challenges and struggles.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Always an honor to lead at this premier AO and I’m supremely humbled to be the new Norseman site Q. F3 is so many things to me and serves on so many levels that I can’t fully explain here in a Backblast. Yet, when I feel things decelerating, I can always count on F3 being there as a guardrail to get me back on the path. Remember that whether you know it or not, your effort to post makes a difference. It ensures that your AO keeps going strong and that it remains there week in and week out for any PAX or FNG that may need an extra push in the right direction. Not to mention what it does for your own physical and mental well being. We all need a little help and the Flux is real. We are here for each other so keep posting, working hard, getting right/living right, and being the HIM that you are. SYITG!!!

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