Ruck you 2024 – A great way to start 2024

AO: Starting Line

When: 2024-01-01

QIC: Script Kiddie

PAX (13): Ace Ventura, Better Call Saul, Janeway, Jolt, Komrad, Mouth-2-Mouth (Cherokee, Script Kiddie, Seaman, Sirmixalot, Suarez, Sugar, Thumper, toadstool


Janeway had been calling me out to have him over for a Ruck the neighborhood event so I figured, it would be great to have all the PAX over to start the year with a Ruck around the neighborhood, since the hills in my neighborhood were a bit on the long and steep side. My M was awesome and helped me get the food and coffee setup for the PAX, so with all that set, I was ready to start the event. Sugar showed up early and got in a pre-ruck before the BD. Jolt showed up soon after then everyone else started rolling in,  and I was very glad to see such a great turn out 13 total PAX.  It was great to have Komrad there and to have Mouth-2-mouth visit from Cherokee. And with that it was time to begin


Not today, we were here to Ruck no warm up required.

The Thang:

You guessed it, we rucked. My goal was so start the year with a good challenge but also give us some time to talk and discuss the plans for the year, we mentioned the word of the year and what we will do to accomplish them, It was stated the idea is the start, but what is the plan to accomplish that goal and a reminder that we cannot do it alone we need men around us to help each other accomplish their goals. The totals varied from 4.0 - 5 miles , depending on the number of loop-backs/picking up the six events, but it was a great ruck and it was great to have the PAX over to start the year

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Took the Pic and headed in for some coffee, some breakfast and some Good conversation. So thankful for the men of F3 and how they continue to push/encourage me, especially the inner circle/ men that push me daily, by leading the way and showing what a high impact man looks like or by pushing me to, suck it up and keep going & never get overly fixed on the frustration of the day, instead focus on the past wins, that can lead to future achievements as we keep accelerating towards the goals of being the men, our SkyQ is calling/commissioning us to be. Now it's time to focus on all 2024 has to offer/challenge us with.  

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