There’s no thumbs down button in Strava is there?

AO: Windjammer

When: 2024-01-12

QIC: False Start

PAX (10): Caroline, Cookie, Deep dish, Dipstick, Irene, Sparkie, Townie, uga, Walkie Talkie


I promised an EPIC playlist and it rattled our dear old Walkie Talkie.  That's OK, I wasn't trying to compete, just imagine a world with 45 mins of dragons.  And that's what we had: An Imagine Dragons only playlist (sans a request for Epic by Faith No More to kick things off) to honor and support our glorious Site Q and his love for the band.  I promise not to do that again.


Ran up to the middle of the parking lot for:
  • SSH
  • Hillbilly
  • Toy Soldier
  • Weed Picker
  • Arm Circles (Forward & Back)
  • COVIDs
Wait, no MMPs?!?!?! Patience grasshopper. Mosey to the top of the parking lot for the ensuring sadism.

The Thang:

An Epic playlist of only Imagine Dragons is the BOMB (sand sadistic and terrible, so I had to do it) so we did Dora-style BOMBS.  Parter up.  1 partner run while the other does the cumulative count of the following: Burpess x 100 Overhead Clap x 200 Merkins x 200 Big Boy Sit Ups x 200 Squats x 200 We had some extra time so we ran down to the"token" (coupon) pile and each grabbed a coupon.  Two rounds of Colt 45s and then back to the flag. At the flag we had time for Mountain Man Poopers!!! And Uga redeemed his 'reward' for attending Cookie's 8-year Manniverary by calling 10 Burpees....huh?  I guess I'm not the only sadistic guy this morning...


No major items today.  Go try a new AO and maybe even Q one, there's a wealth of options around us.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

I honestly am indifferent about Imagine Dragons.  Some songs good, some songs not.  45 mins straight of it? A bit much.  But, it gave us something to rally around.  Some liked it, others hated it.  It got the group out this morning and gave us something to rally around, positive or negative.  That's the point and that's why we do this. I appreciate those that came out and pushed themselves, even if their ears were bleeding the whole time! Until next time!

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