Name That Movie!!
AO: Nirvana
When: 01/13/2024
QIC: No-See-Um
PAX (9): Buckshot, Lefty, lumbergh, Roman, Shortcake, Special K, Sprocket, Tank
YHC’s name has been on Q list for a few weeks now and had something in his head for awhile. All of the Name That Tune BD’s that Special K has brought to Rubicon gave YHC an idea.
9 Pax joined along with 3 for the Pre-Ruck (Dosido had to dip out) and 3 for the Trailblazer Run!
It took 2-3 days to compile some things on the IPhone and see the Thang below for what had happened…
Flag pole in front of MHS for…..Imp. Walkers, Mtn. Climbers, Squats, Merkins
Then on to the 50 yard line for extended warm-up….Shoulder Taps, Plank Jacks, Weed Pickers, SSH, Arm Circles and Covids.
The Thang:
- 10 Burpees for all if no one gets it!
- Winner runs to goal line/back & Loser does AMRAP Squats
- Winner does AMRAP Mtn Climbers & Loser runs to goal line/back
- Winner does AMRAP AM Hammers & Loser does 10 Burpees.
- Winner does Bear Crawl & Loser does 25 Merkins
- Winner does Stadium up and back while Loser does AMRAP Dips
- Winner does AMRAP Bobby Hurleys/Loser does Stadium
- Winner does full stadium while Loser alternates 10 Merkins/10 Shoulder Taps/10 Burpees AMRAP
- Winner alternates 10 Big Boys/10 Flutters/10 Superman’s while Loser does Full Stadium
- Winner does BC up CB down while Loser does AMRAP Peter Parker’s
- Winner does AMRAP Carolina Dry Docks while Loser runs up hill and back
- Winner does AMRAP Lunges while Loser does BC up CB down
- Winner runs up hill and back while Loser does SSH
Gave some pax at the end the authority to dole out some punishment for winning the game.
Tank started by assigning Alligator Merkins up the hill.
Shortcake followed with doling out Crab Walk up the hill AND back down.
Lumbergh won the third for his team, but YHC said “Let’s head back to the flag”. Halfway back, Lumbergh politely asked for an audible and proceeded to give the losers 5 Pull-Ups each while Winners did Lunges.
4 MOM back at the flag…LBC’s, Gas Pumpers, Flutters, Dying Cockroaches, etc.
- Prayers for Sprocket’s back as he tweaked it again during BD.
- Prayers for Carson who is one of MT/Devito’s neighbors with a brain tumor, but has very positive prognosis.
- Prayers for Sprocket’s niece who also has tumor on pituitary gland.
- Prayers for BuckShot’s family as he lost his uncle this week.
- Cherokee has Ruck Relay called TON TROT on Monday am (see slack for details).
- Hillseekers, which was missed somehow during COT, is coming up very soon at beginning of March.
- Also, be on the lookout for some AlphaRuck events as Sprocket mentioned a possible 2-3 day event local or out west later in summer/fall.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
Biggest winner of the day was Lefty as he named “Friday” just by hearing the dad smack and lick his fingers in the kitchen…HaHaHaHa!!!
If you’re interested, a few of the movies included Friday, Sixth Sense, Major League, Rocky 5, Tommy Boy and many others.
Honored to lead and lots of fun today men!