Merkins and Mercuries

AO: Grindstone

When: 2024-01-15

QIC: Vanna

PAX (8): DirtyMO, Hail Mary, jugdish, Omaha, Ridge, Snowman, Spit Valve, Vanna


Though it was about 34 degrees, this was the opportunity to enjoy the warmest beatdown of the week.  Let's go....


Mosey around the corner for:
  • SSH
  • Weed Pickers
  • Good Mornings
  • Willie Mays Hayes
Thanks to the PAX for correcting me on how I've been calling cadence (apparently i've been doing it wrong for awhile) - Ready Position, Move - In Cadence - Exercise.

The Thang:

Start on goalline of field and run to the 10 yard line and back and perform 10 merkins; run to 20 yard line and back and do 20 merkins; the 50 and back (50 merkins); then ladder back down 40-30-20-10. Repeat for Freddie Mercuries. Mosey around corner and fetch coupons and do 10 of each - sumo deadlift, curls, press and skull crushers; move around the circle to get someone else’s coupon; rinse and repeat.


Keep Lyla, Snowman's family and Vanna in your prayers as they carry different but heavy loads.  Grateful for Swiper's grandson going hom.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

As men, it's hard to be vulnerable but we all know that it only makes us stronger after we are.  we also find out how much support we have.  Thanks to the men this morning!

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