Remembering Cardinal One Year Later

AO: Boneyard

When: 2024-01-12

QIC: Speedo

PAX (11): Chanel, FannyPack, Floater, Mater, Shrimp, Speedo, Stifler (Jeff Levy), TARDIS, Zohan, Brownie, Acolyte


A blog I follow reminded me that it was a year ago this week that F3 Knoxville lost Cardinal to a heart issue during a workout. This really shook F3 Nation and caused us here in Alpha to make sure we knew whether each AO had an AED. Cardinal was delivering his VQ when this happened so many AOs across the nation committed to finishing his beat down last year. To honor Cardinal and his legacy YHC decided to do it again so a Cardinal-inspired workout was created.


Mosey a bit and then a short warm-up. Typical Speedo warmup so you know what we did.

The Thang:

We headed to the ultra-big turf field and lined up on the end line. YHC told the pax we would be doing a set of 10 reps of three different exercises on the end line then run to the other end, stopping at midfield for 10 merkins then planking for the six on the other side. Rinse and repeat with three more exercises, this time with 20 reps each. Here's what we ended up doing:
  • 10 each, burpees, big bois, heels to heaven then run with merkins (rwm)
  • 20 each, merkins, v-ups, mountain climbers then rwm
  • 30 each, dry docks, squat jumps, hammers then rwm
  • 40 each, monkey humpers, LBCs, SSH
After these sets we reversed the counts as follows:
  • 10 each, monkey humpers, LBCs, SSH then rwm
  • 20 each, dry docks, squat jumps, hammers then rwm
  • 30 each, merkins, v-ups, mountain climbers then rwm
  • 40 each, burpees, big bois, heels to heaven. On this last round YHC instructed pax to do 10 of each at the end line, run to midfield and do 10 more reps, run to the other end line for 10 more reps and then back to midfield to finish them up.
Back to the flag for a little mary.


Welcome FNG Acolyte! Thanks were given for strong bodies and the fellowship of these men. We lifted up Cardinal's family including his wife and two small children. We also prayed for Acolyte and his impending deployment to Sinai for a year starting in February.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Each day is a blessing and we never know when we will breathe our last. I hope I'm not the subject of a memorial workout one day but, if I am, I hope it's a sucky one that will have you guys cussing my name :). Cardinal left many friends and family to grieve his loss. That means he had friends and family close to him just like each of you has F3 brothers close to you. Whether you've been doing F3 for a week or 10 years, we are all brothers and are here for you. And I, for one, would prefer to work out with you rather than do a memorial workout in your name. Keep up the strong work. --Speedo out

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