Stadium of Pain in the Cold Rain

AO: Academy

When: 2024-01-16

QIC: Caffey

PAX (7): Devito, HotSauce, lumbergh, Turbine, Crack, Joker


Well, a rough start to showing up to Academy in 2024 made me step up my game and make myself accountable by committing to Q on a cold, rainy, and windy morning. With only 2 HCs (besides me), I was thinking it would be a quiet morning. But then, car after car started showing up in the parking lot and the sad thought of a quiet morning disappeared. Great to see some of the Academy regulars plus the OG Cotter, Crack, and new Academy regular, Joker. I gave the absolute perfect disclaimer (ask Devito) where everyone essentially waived any right to anything and then informed the PAX that there would be no hiding from the cold rain, this is Academy and we face adversity head on! We are here to grow and get better and we can’t do that while hiding from a little cold rain.


We don’t warm up! We work hard for 1 hour!

The Thang:

So, if you want to call it a “warm up” we ran a mile to get started and get the blood flowing. If you know me at all, you know I hate to let a good stadium go to waste. I also have fond memories of this specific stadium as I played high school football here and spent many a summer afternoon putting in the reps on the stadiums, so of course its Stadium of Pain in the Cold Rain!

The Thang: stadium of pain in the Cold Rain

Round 1:

  • 2 times up and down the stadium steps normal
  • 25 squats wi the cinder 
  • 15 step ups (alpha)
  • 25 dips
  • 25 V ups

Run a lap around the track and plank for the 6. 

Round 2:

  • 2 times up and down the stadium steps skipping a step each time
  • 25 sumo squats w cinder
  • 15 Bonnie Blares (alpha)
  • 25 Carolina Dry Docks
  • 25 gas pumpers

Run a lap and plank for the 6

Round 3:

  • 2 times up and down the stadium steps bunny hopping
  • 25 Monkey humpers
  • 15 jump squats
  • 25 derkins
  • 25 leg lifts

Run a lap and plank for the 6

Round 4

  • 2 times quick toe touch up stairs (first leading with right, then left) and normal down stadium steps
  • 25 curls
  • 25 rows
  • 25 skull crushers
  • 25 big boy sit ups

Run a lap and plank for the 6

Round 5

  • 2 times rifle carrying block up and  down stadium steps (no one dropped it!)
  • 25 front presses
  • 25 hand release mercans
  • 15 burpees
  • 25 X Factors (single count)

Run a lap and plank for the 6

Round 6

  • 2 times up normal and then under the stadium for final round with blocks
  • In a circle where one PAX calls out the exercise for 25 reps. We were one block short so one PAX does Mercans while the others do exercise and then we rotate.
  • We did the following:
  • Overhead presses
  • Curls
  • Squats
  • Chest press

30 flutters Alpha for the completion and done right at 6:15! 


Quiet group in COT this morning, but kudos to Joker for continuing his discipline of dry January despite opportunities to not stay disciplined. Prayers for us all to be better fathers, husbands, friends, and men in general.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

I love Academy and the challenge that is an hour workout. If you’re reading this BB, I challenge you to either show up to Academy next week (if you haven’t ever attended or haven’t attended in some time) or chose to lead a BD at Academy. As you can see from my description above, it doesn’t have to be super complex and Academy has a ton of options to offer. The goal is, show up, be disciplined, get stronger, and take one step in the direction you want your life to move. And of course, smile while doing it because we GET the PRIVILEGE of waking up each morning and spending 45 minutes or an hour with some top notch men. I have more gratitude for this solid group of men in the Alpha then you all likely know. Before starting F3 in May of 2021, I was out of shape physically and mentally and at a place in my life where I was missing friendship and connection with others. This group has given me more than just my physical ability and has really helped me create great friendships. Friends I trust and confide in. Anyways, all this to say thank you to each one of you who comes out each morning and shares an hour with me! Caffey out!

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