Nordic Men

AO: The Wreck

When: 2024-01-17

QIC: aflac

PAX (6): Blue, Matt Shields-Norm, Meltdown, Mountain Mama, Squeegee


Officially, coldest day in over a year reporting a balmy 10 degrees Fahrenheit.  Very good conditions to separate the Wreck men from the boys.


Mosey up the road, then along the walkway/stairs to the upper parking lot by the CAB for the following:
  • Slow Squats
  • Weedpickers
  • Hillbillys

The Thang:

Q promised certain PAX to keep the digits from freezing solid and wasn't about to break that oath.  So, to get things warmed up and keep it that way, Q directed PAX to head to the bottom of the hill leading to the CAB and partner up for the following:
  • Partner A runs backwards to the top of the hill while Partner B lunge-walks in the same direction.
  • Once Partner B reaches the top, run back to Partner A and switch roles.
  • Rinse/repeat until both PAX are at the top of the hill.
  • 15 Squats as a group
Rinse/repeat the above 3 times before heading to the playground. Once at the playground, Q directed PAX to perform the following:
  • 10 Nordic curls (each Partner)
  • 15 One-legged RDL (each leg)
An earnest attempt to perform the last Nordic curl without assistance was accompanied by an audible "thump" on the frozen tundra as the hammies gave out. Rinse/repeat the above 3 times. Next up, Q directed all PAX to grab a swing for the following:
  • Inverse plank and place heels on swing seat – perform 10 leg "curls" (pull heels to butt).
  • Inverted row with 1-second pause at the top – perform 10 reps with 10 second hold for the last set.
  • Inverse plank and cross legs with a single heel on swing seat – perform 10 leg "curls" for each leg (pull heels to butt).
  • Inverted row with 1-second pause at the top – perform 10 reps with 10 second hold for the last set.
  • Inverse plank and place single leg on swing seat while holding other in the air – perform 10 leg "curls" for each leg (pull heels to butt).
  • Inverted row with 1-second pause at the top – perform 10 reps with 10 second hold for the last set.
With 7 minutes left, 3 quick rounds of the following:
  • Partner A performs shrugs while Partner B performs 5 Pull-Ups.
  • Switch roles.
Back to the flag – no time for Mary today.  


  • TAP's for Drainhole's wife.
  • Thinking about Blue's momma.
AFLAC out.

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