Cruise Prep

AO: Gladiator

When: 2024-01-23

QIC: Macbeth

PAX (12): Chanel, Dark_Side, defcon2, DREAMER, Hitchcock, Macbeth, Mater, Moonshine, Spandex, Speedo, TheBigShort, Zohan


Regular pre-annoucnements. The gist of the workout: I'm going on a cruise next week so I figured everyone would want to do a little pre-cruise prep with me. Gotta get that bod in beach shape ASAP!


Warm-up• Mosey to pavilion parking lot • SSH • Michael Phelps • SSH • Windmills • SSH • Weed Picker • SSH • Worlds Greatest Stretch

The Thang:

Get in groups of three Triple up - 1 will be at the bottom of the stairs, 2 will be at the top of the stairs, and 3 will be running stairs. Timer set for 7 minutes 1 • Bottom: Big Boys/Leg Raises • Top: Derkins/Dips 2 • Bottom: LBC's/Flutterkicks • Top: Merkins/Hallelujahs 3 • Bottom: American Hammers/Dolly Partons • Top: Wide Merkins/Incline Merkins 4 • Bottom: Peter Parkers/Flying Squirrels • Top: Makhtars/Opposite Extensions 5 • Burpees all around at top and bottom!


Spandex - prayers for his family as his mom has hip replacement surgery soon Brownie - praise and continued prayers for his wife's successful surgery Defcon2 - Praise and continued prayers for a successful sales process at his work! Hitchcock - Prayers for his brother as their family walks through a a difficult season of not being able to get pregnant

Naked-Man Moleskin:

If anyone wants to join a team for the Smokey Mountain Relay get in touch with Defcon2, they are looking for a 12th man!

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