Just awful

AO: The Wreck

When: 2024-01-22

QIC: Moonshine

PAX (20): aflac, Bear, Blue, Catheter, corky, defcon2, Donor, Jackalope, Juul, Matt Shields-Norm, Missionary, Moonshine, Mountain Mama, Rooney- timlonergan, Scratch-Off, Sell-out, Shocker- Andrew O’Neill, Squeegee, Thunderclap, Yankee, FNG Graceland


This beatdown was inspired by the last group Q we did at the wreck.  YHC suggested a rather brutal first exercise for that memorable Q and then Aflac retaliated with an even more brutal second exercise.  Seeing where this could lead one of our more sane PAX jumped in and took the workout in a different direction.  However, it did leave the burning question "what if?"  With that spirit, YHC took the PAX on this cold winter day down a rabbit hole of difficulty, challenging each other to stay warm in the most brutal ways we could imagine.  YHC called for a new "group Q" where at the end of each exercise the Q would call out  "Good job men! That was awful!" at which time another PAX could suggest the next exercise with the caveat that each new exercise had to be more awful than the previous.


Explaining the rules in 20 degree weather was creating mutinous mumble chatter so YHC led a quick mosey up the hill to the parking lot for SSH, wind mill, weed picker, arm circles, and michael phelps.  All PAX (except the pre-runners) were still cold... time to get moving with intensity.

The Thang:

Mosey to the hill for the first awful exercise:  burpee broad jumps up the hill Aflac had the second exercise planned out:  crawl bears up the hill Side note - At this point no one was cold any more. Rooney came up with the next exercise:  wheel barrels up the hill (but YHC thought he was kidding so the PAX skipped that one and moseyed to the football field - YHC humbly apologizes to Rooney for this unintended slight) Third exercise from YHC:  burp-n-merc Forth exercise (sorry, dont remember who suggested the rest of them):  50 yd duck walk Fifth exercise: 50 yd bear crawl (probably not as awful as a 50 yd duck walk but YHC was unable to complete so it was awful enough for sure) Final event of the day:  Bataan death march around the football field until everyone got a turn  


Prayers for healing Praise for healing that has already happened Welcome FNG Graceland (from Memphis)

Naked-Man Moleskin:

It is always an honor to lead.   This was every bit as horrible as I had imagined it would be.  Lots of sweat produced by this strong PAX in 20 degree weather.  Strong turn-out of 20 HIMs.  What a beautiful morning!

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