Billy Madison for Breakfast

AO: Boneyard

When: 2024-01-29

QIC: FannyPack

PAX (5): FannyPack, Floater, Mater, Stifler (Jeff Levy), TARDIS


So it turns out it's still winter after all.  39 air temp and some gusty winds made for a chilly morning.


Graduating takes a good 40 minutes, so we mosey'ed to our destination (the baseball field) to warm up.  But turns out that was a big mud pit, so we sloshed our way back out and went to the turf field instead.  Warm up was a standard routing of SSH, Weedpickers, Windmills, Imperial Walkers, and Arm circles.

The Thang:

I set the printed outline, phone and speaker down & we blocked off a corner of the field as a square for the running part.  12x is the rep count throughout.  Start in 1st grade, run the bases.  Do 1st & 2nd, run again.  Continue until all 12 are done & you graduate. We stayed together for all 12 grades, and we finished right at time.
  • 1st Grade: Side-Straddle Hop
  • 2nd Grade: LBC's
  • 3rd Grade: Mercans
  • 4th Grade: Squats
  • 5th Grade: Burpees
  • 6th Grade: Reverse LBC's
  • 7th Grade: Carolina Dry Dock
  • 8th Grade: Lunges- SC
  • 9th Grade: Imp. Squat Walker
  • 10th Grade: Flutter Kicks
  • 11th Grade: Crab Cakes
  • 12th Grade: Bonnie Blairs


Senior Superlatives:
  • Mater wins "Least Confused About the Next Exercise".
  • Stifler wins "Biggest Adam Sandler Fan".
  • Floater wins "Most Creative Merkin Usage"
  • Tardis wins "I Think We Might Be Insane but I'm Totally Here For It"
Prayers for TARDIS as he travels to India to take care of aging parents for a couple of months.  Apologies if I missed anything else.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Great work this morning men, it would have been easy to fartsack with the temp going down again.  It was great to work out with you & a pleasure to lead.

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