Leg Day….just kidding

AO: The Wreck

When: 2024-01-29

QIC: Bear

PAX (15): aflac, Bear, Blue, Catheter, defcon2, Donor, Missionary, Moonshine, Scratch-Off, Scurvy, Sell-out, Thunderclap, Zohan, Veggie and Chowda'


Was excited to Q but didn't do as much planning as I should have (ran out of time and music died)


Mosey to top of hill
  1. mtn climbers
  2. shoulder taps
  3. toy soldier
  4. lunges
  5. bonnie blairs
  6. phelps arm swings
  7. arm circles
go get rock by playground and head back to bottom of hill

The Thang:

  1. Set 1
    1. Deep lunge at bottom - 10-20 / leg
    2. Romanian dead lift - 20ish
    3. backwards up hill with rock
    4. squats with rock at the top - back down to bottom
    5. repeat 3x
  2. Set 2 - playground
    1. VERY slow curls - 5-15 (reps came down as slow motion was tiring)
    2. Pull ups - 10ish
    3. Repeat 3x
  3. Set 3
    1. SLOW skull crushers - 10-20
    2. DIPS - 20-30
    3. Repeat 3x
Time flew and didn't have time for shoulders or more legs; mosey back to flag for a bit of Mary until time called.  


Keep praying for @drainhole's wife and @legos' dad. Zohan is in search of next sub region site Q so let him know if you are interested.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Love you guys and grateful to lead!

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