More Less The Same

AO: Academy

When: 2024-01-30

QIC: lumbergh

PAX (5): Devito, HotSauce, Mayhem, Joker


Had plans to get together a better BD but spending the evening in my ER after my mom had a car crash was not a good place to do proper planning. All is good with her and she is back home with just some bruising and airbag burns.

The Thang:

Had to recycle a board from School of Rock but made sure there was plenty of running on this one. Grab a rock and set up by the steps. First round was 25 reps of two exercises, then a lap. After next two exercises at 25 we hit the stadium steps.
  • Curls
  • Mercans
  • Squats
  • Skull Crushers
  • Overhead Presses
  • LBCs
  • Bonnie Blair (Single count)
  • SSH
  • American Hammers
  • Calf Raises
After we worked through the board, I offered More, Less, or The Same. Devito jumped at more so we up the count to 35 reps and keeping the same pattern. After we finish that I ask Mayhem who suggests 40, but Devito (the self proclaimed but accurate devil on everyone's shoulder this morning) pushed it to 43. We get a couple of rounds, including some straight away sprint challenges, before returning our rocks and a quick round of electric bike from last week.


43 Feet in F3 Lexicon:

Building a Leadership Road forty-three feet ahead of the people driving on it.


Naked-Man Moleskin:

Always a pleasure to lead.

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