Yeah more running
AO: Galaxy
When: 2024-02-08
QIC: Tweaker
PAX (12): Abacus (Mark Green), Blue, Drain Hole, Jorts, Louganis, New Coke, Sparky, Tweaker, Waco, Wideright, Woody (Michael Tishel), Mountain Dew
QIC decided to continue to trend of what has turned into run week.Warm-O-Rama:
- Weedpickers
- Don Quixotes
- Morroccan Night Clubs
- Stretching
The Thang:
This was a run stop bd with 7 stops for the exercises- Shovel Flag
- Intersection by playground
- Left side of the stage
- Behind the stage
- Right side of the stage
- Pavilion
- Flag at Galaxy
- Round One 10 Burpees at each stop
- Round Two 15 WWII at each stop
- Round Three 20 Merkins at each stop
- Round Four 25 Squats at each stop
- Bonus round 30 Peter Parkers at each stop
- Continued Prayers for Marisa
- Prayers for Waco to find motivation
- Prayers to Alex and his MIL dealing with Parkinsons Disease
- Praise that the heart procedure for QICs MIL went well