Leg Recovery Day (Upper Body Not So Much)

AO: The Hooch

When: 2024-02-26

QIC: Dinghy

PAX (16): Angus, Animal, Boomer, HIPAA, Humperdinck, Maguire, Meatball, Octane, PuffDaddy, Scrooge, Spackle, Sunshine, Utah, Zazu, Zima


Lot's of folks doing long runs over the last couple of weeks. Need to let the legs recover and get back to stressing the upper body. With a veteran crew, shortened disclaimer was given and off we went.


12 each of weedpickers, Willie Mays Hays, hillbillies, Moroccan night clubs, Michael Phelps, and SSH's. Quarter Mile Mosey loop to the walkway.

The Thang:

  1. Rolling Inch Worms with LOTS of HR Mercans - Starting at the walkway, conduct 5 plank jacks with a HR Mercan in between each rep. Pax then conduct a rolling inch worm out towards the north (20 meters), with each inch worm do a HR Mercan, then groiner to up, and continue on out to first parking line. At parking line, conduct 5 Peter Parkers with (you guessed it) a HR Mercan. Lunge walk back. Repeat through cycles, increasing to 10/15/20 reps. Imperial walker for the 6. 10 count then mosey to the back lot by Ari's (HA!)
  2. Modified Buster Douglas - At the west edge of the lot, conduct 1 Mike Tyson to 2 monkey humpers to 3 alpha air punches. Bernie Sanders across the parking lot, conduct 2/4/6 of each exercise; proceed through to 10/20/30; Hillbilly for the 6. Mosey to the flag
  3. Mary - 26 flutter kicks and that was TIME


Prayers for Animal's M, Donna, and she deals with migraines - praying that the docs find the cause and treatment

Naked-Man Moleskin:

I always treasure the opportunity to lead, and it was especially fun to share this moment at The Hooch. Today was one of those days where we didn't need to run to feel like we got the snot beat out of us. Everyone got stronger - and smarter!

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