Monday mashup

AO: The Wreck

When: 2024-03-04

QIC: Catheter

PAX (20): Bear, Blue, Catheter, Cliff - Chris Noto, corky, defcon2, Foley, Missionary, Moonshine, Mountain Mama, Poli, Pusher (Ader Jean), Rooney- timlonergan, Scurvy, Sell-out, Switch, Chowdah, Snuggles (FNG), Goldberg (FNG), Mango (2.0)


Taking it easy on the hill seekers from the weekend and sparing the legs today...


Mosey to the parking lot for SSH, Mountain Climbers, Plank, Weed pickers Mosey to the concrete stadium stairs

The Thang:

On way up, 5 merkins each step, walk down, back up with 5 dips on each step. Repeat x 2 Mosey to the baseball field hill Bear crawl up the hill, Sundial in each direction 360deg, walk down Repeat x 3 Backwards walk up hill, 20 merkins at the top, walk down Repeat x 3 Mosey to the playground Shrugs, 5xpull-ups, and 10x swing pulls, rotate until time Mosey to the flag for a 30second mary, time.


Sign up for I-beam meal train, boy scout leadership retreat (defcon2 for more info), prayers for those struggling with alcohol

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