You guys don’t know our core principles?!?!?!?
AO: Windjammer
When: 2024-05-01
QIC: False Start
PAX (7): Caroline, Deep dish, NRA, Sparkie, Walkie Talkie, Papercut
Back from SMR and didn't want to do a lot of running yet, so I took the Q. I warned them I had an FNG in tow and that we'd go back to F3 basics...but nobody studied...Warm-O-Rama:
Ran in the parking lot with some butt-kickers, high knees, carioca left & right, and then circle up.- SSH
- Hillbilly
- Weedpicker
- Willies Mays Hayes
- Arm Circles Forward & Back
The Thang:
Thang #1 Burpee Apocalypse but with skips if the PAX could name the 5 Core Principles of F3 in order. We had 5 PAX, so I figured that would be easy. They failed miserably. I left the BD tired and disappointed. Note to those that actually read these things, there will be a make-up test soon. Thang #2 Bring back the John McEnroe on the upper tennis courts. With the following exercises:- 10 merkins of some sort (wide, narrow, offset left/right) for the doubles lines
- 15 core exercises for the singles lines
- 20 leg exercises for the middle lines
- Box-cutter
- Flutter Kick
- Mountain Climber
- Shoulder Taps