Mini Murph at Grindstone

AO: Grindstone

When: 2024-05-13

QIC: Mantooth

PAX (6): Crab Cake, jugdish, Mantooth, Snoopy, Spit Valve, Toast


Decided to cross over 400 and lead the Eastsiders in a BeatDown.


Moseyed to the top of the parking lot by the tennis courts. Started the warm-up with some SSH, Good Mornings, Weed Pickers, Little Sun gods, Big Sun gods, and Michael Phelps OYO while I explained the BD.

The Thang:

Was originally going to run the trail around the park for a mile, but decided to audible to the parking lot since it was lighted. With Murph coming up at the end of the month, I wanted to try a variation of it (but substituting out Pull-Ups with BBSs). With a 25 minute clock, PAX ran 3 down and backs of the parking lot to get close to a mile (probably should have made it 4), then completed AMRAP of 10 Merkins, 15 Squats, and 20 Big Boy Situps. After about 7-8 rounds of exercises, YHC checked the clock thinking we were getting close to finished... NOPE! Still 13 and some change to go. That's when I knew it was going to be a tough one. Other PAX expressed their appreciation of the beat down as we continued on as well. Once the 25 minutes was up, PAX ran another 3 down and backs of the parking lot. With about 6 minutes left (and Jugdish still EH-ing a dude to avoid continuing with the beat down), we moseyed to the grass by the football field to finish with AMRAP of 5 Burpees and 10 American Hammers (Alpha count). Jugdish decided he could join us for the last two minutes to go.


Announcements for Night Shift coming up on June 8th, Murph possibly at North High (TBD), and talks of the Hero Climb on May 25th. Prayers for Snoopy's step-dad, Phil, as he battles lung cancer and will have surgery this week. Prayers for Schneider's dad as he continues his battle with medical problems.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

It was great to come over to the other side of the tracks and see what life was like on the Eastside. I won't let it be as long of a gap before I return again. Thanks for letting me lead, gentlemen!

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