Mini Murph

AO: Jericho

When: 2024-05-17

QIC: Mr. Hand

PAX (09): Benny, Mantooth, Mr. Hand, Napalm, Pinkman, Schneider, Soul Glo, Todd Doherty l F3 UMass, Tsunami


With Memorial Day just around the corner we have had a lot of talk about The Murph. YHC thought that all the PAX could use a little tune up to prepare for the real thing on Memorial Day.


Mosey around the building: SSH, Weed Pickers, Willie Mayes Hayes, Good Mornings, Michael Phelps

The Thang:

Mosey to the Shaf(IYKYK):Mini Murph-Utilizing the playground- 50 Pull ups, 100 Mercans, 150 Squats, 2 laps around the building. Mosey to the middle parking lot for some DORA. 50 BBSU, 100 Crunchy Frogs, 150 Plank Jacks. 5 minute Indian Run around the parking lot. Mosey to the flag and 30 second high plank.


5/27/24-The Murph at NFHS. Gathering at Olafs right after. 6/8/24-Night Shift Run. See slack for details. Kudos to all folks and families  celebrating high school or college graduations. This is a time to celebrate but also prayers for safe celebrations and good decisions.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Always a pleasure to lead fellas. Stay consistent and the hard work will pay off.

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