
AO: Windjammer

When: 2024-05-22

QIC: FannyPack

PAX (09): Capsize, Caroline, FannyPack, Ikea, lumbergh, Nair, Sparkie, uga, Walkie Talkie


Walkie Talkie wanted the Q sheet filled, I saw a spot, so I took it.  Great to lead this morning with the Wednesday Windjammer crew.


YHC turned on a playlist of The Who and we mosey'd to the big flag, where we lined up for SSH, Imperial Walkers, Weedpickers, Hangovers (probably needed even more stretch time), Arm Circles, and HIOB's. We continued the mosey to the playground where we circled up for a Circle Burp with High Knees.  After almost losing my phone we continued to the Sandlot.

The Thang:

At the Sandlot we started a 7 of Diamonds; around the bases 7 times, doing each of the following at each base.  We stayed together at the bases and planked or air-chaired for the 6:
  • 7 Burpees
  • 14 Big Boys
  • 21 Imperial Squat Walkers
  • 28 SSH
  • 21 Mercans
  • 14 Lunges
  • 7 Absolutions
Probably the dirtiest BD I've done in a while, though the grass infield/outfield was soft and refreshing when we could get to it. We took the 'shortcut' back by running up the BFH, though Capsize pulled a calf muscle along the way & walked back.  At the flag, UGA and Caroline* led us in some mary til time. *Kinda  


Reminder about the Murphs coming up on Memorial Day and the 6:00 AM start time starting next week. Refreshments included mimosas (me) and coffee (thanks Caroline).  Ever since I first heard about the luxurious country club beatdowns, I'd also heard about the Mimosas that regularly followed.  After three times, I hadn't had one yet so I figured my first Q here should include them.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Thanks for coming along this morning.  It's always a bit intimidating to Q at a new place, but google maps and a willing crew make a big difference.  Thanks for the push this morning, always a pleasure to lead.

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