First Day of S.U.M.M.E.R.

AO: Norseman

When: 2024-05-23

QIC: Crikey

PAX (16): Callahan, Chapter 11, Crikey, DeLorean, DirtyMO, False Start, Fresh Prince, Ha-ha, Knight Rider, Matlock, Nacho Libre, Password 123, Shooter, Tumbleweed, Vic Jones (Gravedigger), Old Soul/Old School???


There are 104 Days of Summer Vacation (at least according to Phineas and Ferb).  Today (or Tomorrow) marks of the first day of summer for most of the families represented in our AO.  To mark the occasion, we did a Summer Kick-off today at the Norseman.


Start with a quick Mosey to a nearby parking lot for: 14 SSH, 10 Weed-Pickers, 10 Imperial Walkers, Arm Circles, and Michael Phelps.  Then a quick Bear Crawl across the field from sideline to sideline then a short mosey to grab a coupon.

The Thang:

Back to the Starting Line of the field to begin the “First Day of S.U.M.M.E.R.” workout. Pax split into pairs.  As partners, one Pax chipped away at 104 Reps per exercise, while the other ran out to the 52 yard line and back (104 yards).  104 for 104 days of Summer!  Exercises as follows: Squats Upright Rows Merkins Mountain Climbers (Alpha) E2K Rockee (replaced with Rosalitas at 52 reps)   Then a lap around the field and BONUS F.U.N. round: Foxhole 104 yards across the field. (OYO) Upright Rows (104 reps split with partner) No Surrenders (104 reps split with partner)   Back to the flag for a few minutes of Mary.


Remembrance and Prayers for Falcon, a fallen PAX in our F3 Nation.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Reflections and Regrets: 104 Rockees is dumb. Foxhole for 104 yards is dumb-er. A first and last attempt for this Q.

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