A Lotta Tabatas

First disclaimer - FNG's arrived late, so abridged disclaimer given. That stated, made sure that all Pax knew that any boo-boo's were not litigatable (is…

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The Next Chapter

My 2.0 (just turned 6) has been asking me when he can finally come to “daddy’s workouts” so a nice summer morning was finally his…

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15 years

It was my 15th anniversary so 15 would be the theme.  Told the PAX to bring a kettlebell or coupon.  No one did.

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40 for 40

YHC has been told that shit brakes in your 40s. On one hand, he rejects this notion but on the other, just in case, he…

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No Bear Crawls

Apparently the Norsemen think all I do is bear crawls and girlfriends.  So, no bear crawls or girlfriends today. But we will explore a new…

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