Dinghy presents the Escape from the Hooch Beatdown

AO: The Hooch

When: 2024-05-22

QIC: Dinghy

PAX (23): Angus, BallBoy, Birdie, Boomer, Chesapeake, Coat Check, Cousin Eddie (Alejandro Ferrer), Flo, Half-Dozen, HIPAA, Meatball, Pigtails, Potter (Matt Rowand), Scrooge, Shrimp, Spackle, Splinter, Sunshine, Utah, Zima, FNG Freon (Welcome!), the ORIGINAL Utah


With a pulled everything and a Q coming up, YHC figured that he needed to come up with something creative and tough while still keeping himself out of traction. So, while adhering to Feather's axiom of "If you can't do it, don't Q it", a challenging beatdown inspired by one of the greatest movies of all time (Escape from New York) came out of the lab. With an FNG in tow, full disclaimer was given......and away we went


10 each of weedpickers, hillbillies, Willie Mays Hays, Moroccan Nightclubs, and SSH's. Mosey around the parking lot to the front of the theatre

The Thang:

  1. The Escape Begins - circle up to show the "guards" at the Iron Tribe we were busy. Conducted a cadenced set of Bloody Mary to include 20 of each of the following: Supermen, J-Lo's, Pickle Pounders, and 20 seconds of low planks. Mosey to the parking lot right in front of the Iron Tribe
  2. Get Past the Guards - because a large group bear-crawling across the window would draw attention, Pax bear crawled 2 by to across the front window (approx 40 meters). When getting to other side, each pax gives a 2 thumbs up, and the next 2 go. During the evolution. pax on start side conducted copperhead jump squats (AMRAP), then continued that evolution once across. After all Pax made it across, mosey to the parking lot by the money laundering establishment I MEAN FRENCH BAKERY.
  3. Climbing up over the "wall" - circle up for more Bloody Mary, this time for reps of 15 for each of the following: Side V-ups (each side), American Hammers, Flutter Kicks, LBC's, Gas Pumpers, and Rope Climbers. Mosey to the far side of the Ari parking lot.
  4. Get across the yard - Lining up along the far side of the parking lot, Pax went 1 by 1 via Bernie Sanders across to the other side, then gave the next Pax the "Isaac the Loveboat Bartender" ALL GOOD sign. During the evolution, all Pax did flying squirrels. Mosey to the overhang
  5. Shimmy out from the tower - Pax all found an open pillar. Pax then conducted a tabata with BTTW during active phase, 5 monkey humpers during rest phase. One by one, each pax in order went to the center of the overhang and conducted 3 burpees. Evolution continued until all pax had completed their "Breakout Burpees." Mosey to the crosswalk
  6. FinalĀ  escape - Starting at the crosswalk, pax conducted 6 Mike Tysons, then lunge walked to the first parking lot line, then conducted 1 HR mercan. Lunge walk back. Proceed all the way through the standard 7. And with that, mosey back to the flag and TIME: The escape was complete.


Brew Ruck on the 6/1, and The Murph at The Bridge on 5/27. Check Slack for details. Prayers for safe travels, Potter's dad, Splinter's stress, and Ballboy's grandfather.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Great energy, effort, and humor this morning, men. Always a pleasure to lead - made more fun this morning by the challenge of a full blown escape from the tyranny of an expensive workout!

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