Sheldon Copper’s Board of Pain

AO: Black Widow

When: 2024-06-01

QIC: Zohan

PAX (15): Corner Kick, Cox, Deep dish, DeLorean, FannyPack, Feathers, Guinness, Ha-ha, ShuttleCock, Speedo, Zohan, Wheels, Jarvis, Roadside, Roller Derby


Mosey in the parking lot when we see another PAX arriving a moment late. Cut the run shorter by going down the stairs to pick him up. Repeat the loop and another PAX arrives late. Pick him up too. Mosey into the soccer field. A bit of Bernie and circle up. I don't recall exactly what we did, actually. I recall SSH, Chinooks, Good Mornings, Toy Soldiers. I think we also did Copper Head Squats.

The Thang:

Set up: We started on one side of the soccer field. At the other end there was a Board of Pain, and there was also a cone somewhere on the other side, several steps from the mid field line.   Sheldon Cooper: 10 rounds. Starting with 10 Burpees, 10 Merkins, 10 Big Boys and 10 Squats. Run a loop. then 9 of each, run a loop, 8 of each... till 1 of each.   While running the loop we pass by the Board of Pain. Stop and do the exercises listed, then resume the loop. Round:
  1. 20 Hand Release Merkins and 20 No Surrenders
  2. 25 Flutter Kicks alpha and 25 Bonnie Blairs alpha
  3. 20 Makhtar N'Diayes and 30 LBCs
  4. Bear Crawl to the cone, Broad Jump back
  5. 50 SSH
Rounds 6 to 10 repeat the above in the same order. We had a few minutes of Mary waiting for the 6 and then everyone together till time run out.      


Strong COT. Shared about marriage issues, depression, suicide, seeking help and more.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Amazing group! Thank you for letting me lead.

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