9 Years

AO: Badapple

When: 05/31/2024

QIC: No-See-Um

PAX (10): Buckshot, Chubbs, goat, Santa Clause, Spider, Sweep3r, Tank, TheBurn, Turbine


Last minute open Q slot as Mother Goose had a doctor appt. pop-up so YHC was happy to grab it after having to back out of Saturday’s Nirvana Q for kid’s lacrosse games.


10-ish pax showed up in the gloom (Spider nursing a sore heal so joined us at the end).

YHC stated this was a celebratory Q and there’d be hints thrown out during the BD. Guesses started coming in hot and before long a couple pax nailed it.


With coupons in hand, mosey to the top of Zima’s Hill.
9 – Cooperhead Squats
Mosey around parking lot and back.
6 Windmills (sorta…might have went to 7 with some miscounting)
3 Burpees (this was a debacle…..)
Mosey around parking lot again.
3 Tempo Merkins
3 Shoulder Taps
3 Diamond Tempo’s
*Your kid is 19 today….No, your kid is 9 today??

The Thang:

Here’s the meat of the morning work…


Down to bottom of Hill and partner up:
Catch Me If You Can…
One partner Farmer Carry while other does 3 Broad Jump Burpees then flap Jack leaving coupons where they lay and other partner running to them (up and back down till movement man gets to top)
Next 9 single count Lunges…..
*Break here and mosey to corner for Dora with partner:
99 – Dry Docks
99 – Rosalitas
99 – Monkey Humpers
Back to bottom of Zima’s Hill for more Catch Me:
Next 9 Merkins…. then Bear Crawl – 9 steps which quickly turned in to Alpha 9 steps!
Back to flag for 2 MOM.


  • Prayers for Goose and his appt./bloodwork this am.
  • Continued prayers for Chalupa’s 2.0 Riley.


Naked-Man Moleskin:

Thanks for joining men on a hodge-podge, thrown together BD for my 9 year manniversary. Not a day goes by now that YHC doesn’t think about F3 and the men that are apart of this ‘cult’….so grateful for what F3 and the men in F3 has done for me over these last 9 years.


Honored to lead and appreciate ALL who came out.

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