Set your ALARM

AO: The Bridge

When: 2024-05-17

QIC: Humperdinck

PAX (10): Breach, Fuzzy Dice, Gasleak, Hackeysack, HIPAA, Maguire, Popper (Dan Richard), Potter (Matt Rowand), Spackle


Felt cute, thought I would lead.


15 of each -

SSH, weed picker, windmill, squat, figure 4s, michael Phelps

The Thang:

A-L-A-R-M. Stand for Arm, Leg, Abs, ‘R’ Exercise, ‘M’ Exercise. An exercise group of movements performed in successive fashion without rest; generally these are performed in multiples

ALARM 1 = Shoulder Press, Lunge, LBC, Ranger Merkin, Monkey Humper;

ALARM 2 = Shoulder Taps, Squat Jumps, Peter Parkers, Rockette Hillbilly, Merkin

Mosey to pull up bars Partner 1: 10 pull ups Partner 2: Burpee until partner 1 finished Switch and count down by 1 until time. Finished with the Saturday night special


Lots of unspoken

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Always a joy to lead. I need to get better at leading by example with BBs.

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