Mile of Suck

AO: Gladiator

When: 2024-06-04

QIC: Brownie

PAX (20): Bo Knows, Butterknife, Chanel, Cheneral, Dark_Side, DREAMER, Dutch Oven, Macbeth, Manchester, Manscape, Postal, RaspberryPi, Shrimp, Slider, Speedo, Yokel, Zohan, Huey; Blakay


Haven't queued in a while due to the ridiculously full Q sheet at the Gladiator thanks to MacBeth's early year challenge. It's ok...just gives me more time to come up with something painful.


Mosey to the's greatest stretch, windmills, copperhead squats, tempo merkins, Michael Phelps, Monkey Arms, done.

The Thang:

Group counted off by 1s and 2s and were advised to split off into their groups on the end corners of the soccer pitch Rd 1:  Burpee broad jumps the perimeter of the field back to the corner the other group started from. At mid-field and each of the corners, stop and do 10 BBSUs. 1st group to get 2 men past the soccer goal at the opposite end of the field could bring 2 of their men who were the 6 up to the next BBSU station Rd2:  Lunge walk w/ 10 merkins at each stopping point Rd3:  Bear crawl w/ 5 jump squats Rd4:  Bernie Sanders w/ 10 air presses We finished up and hustled back to the flag right on time. No Merry which is always my goal.


Speedo's uncle's family after his passing Those traveling to, from, and participating in camps this summer

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Appreciate the opportunity to lead and remember to stretch, fellas!

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